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K Jeneal Designer Apparel Welcomes and solicits the mobile shopper.

A look at the designer apparel style trends and it’s obvious that email is rapidly approaching the point when mobile email opens exceed those opened on desktop. It’s worth noting that 36% of emails from retailers are opened exclusively on mobile, so it’s obvious that mobile optimization remains a priority. We anticipate that percentage of mobile opens to increase as device adoption rates continue to climb.

 K Jeneal Designer Apparel engages in  highly targeted marketing communications through today’s primary direct digital channels of email, mobile, online advertising and the Web. As a result of our native unified platform capabilities, the company is also able to offer an advanced level of actionable analytics, deriving key insights on timely and relevant topics – in this case, the degree of email open activity occurring on mobile devices for permission-based email marketing campaigns.
As with K Jeneal Designer Apparel's previous Mobile Email Opens Reports, the mobile email open rate is a measurement of email opens occurring on mobile devices (including phones and tablets) compared to the opens occurring on desktop computers (including laptops). The mobile email open rate is not a measurement of mobile email opens compared to all emails delivered. This Mobile Email Opens for K Jeneal Designer Apparel  the first half of 2012 (Q1/Q2) has been updated to document not only the rate of email opens occurring on mobile devices in the U.S. (with differentiation between mobile phone and tablet activity), we also take a close look at open rates based on hours after the time of send.

Also included are mobile click-rate metrics by device. Tracking the share of opens occurring on mobile devices is a specific metric not widely found in the email marketing industry. Supplementing the open metrics with click data offers us a clearer picture of how mobile users are truly engaging with email – from the initial decision to open the email, to the very important decision to take action on the message. The mobile click rate we are including in this report is a measurement of email clicks occurring on mobile devices compared to the email opens occurring on mobile devices. This equates to the click-to-open (CTO) rate with which email marketers are well versed.  

As you review the data, it’s important to note how an email open is recorded as mobile, which is based on downloading email images. Image download (i.e., “show images”) is not always a default setting for every operating system (including some Android devices) or mobile email client. This means the reported number of opens may be lower than the actual number of users viewing or reading the email. Data collected over time allows for benchmarks for comparison.  
Overall mobile email opens by device and operating system (OS)

Mobile opens jump to 36% of all email opens in early 2012 
In the first half of 2012, steady growth in mobile email open rates continued. During that time, 36.01% of all emails were opened on a mobile device (phones and/or tablets), which is an increase of 32% from late 2011 numbers of 27.39%. This shows the steady, strong increase in mobile open rates continues, which lends further evidence to the accelerating rate of mobile adoption as previously forecast.

Percentages of Emails Opened for designer apparel  % on Mobile % on Desktop
1st Half 2012 Opens 36.01% 63.99%
2nd Half 2011 Opens 27.39% 72.61%
1st Half 2011 Opens 20.24% 79.76% 

Mobile is a dynamic environment made up of different combinations of devices, OS, and browsers.  Although the above chart is technically blending mobile devices (iPhone and iPad) with operating systems (Android), we believe this is the most intuitive and useful way to look at the data for summary purposes.

Mobile devices using iOS continue to dominate overall mobile email activity. In the first half of 2012, the iPhone and iPad represented 29.34% of all email opens, compared with less than 5% of all opens occurring on Android phones or tablets. While the share of email opens occurring on Android devices did increase, the overall email open activity doesn’t quite map to the operating system’s high adoption rate and number-one market position. This can be attributed to the manner in which a mobile open is recorded based on images downloaded as mentioned earlier.  

Operating Systems  Phone  Tablets  Total
iOS 19.71% 9.63% 29.34%
Android 5.88% 0.43% 6.31% 
iOS and Android, the two dominant mobile operating systems in the US, account for 99.19% of all mobile email opens. The remaining tables included in this report will display only the iOS and Android operating system data, unless otherwise noted. 

Mobile email opens by industry:  K Jeneal Designer Apparel luxury retail l and consumer services see highest mobile engagement from the e mail marketing platform.

Email Opens Q1/Q2 Percent of All Email Opens: Phones Percent of All Email Opens: Tablets  % Desktop Designer Apparel Retail 20.39% 4.04% 24.43% 10.65% 0.48% 11.13% 64.44%  
It’s important to note how much customer behavior and the designer apparel brand relationship influences the penetration of mobile by segment. 
Mobile email click activity by designer apparel

For those unfamiliar with the concepts of CTOs and click-thru rates (CTR), the CTO rate is expressed as a percentage of unique click-thrus on links within an email to the total number of unique opens of that email. This helps marketers measure the relative effectiveness of the content of an email message in driving targeted traffic to the brand’s website or landing page. The click-thru rate (CTR) is the ratio (or percentage) of unique clicks on links within an email to the total number of messages delivered. CTO compares to number of opens while CTR compares to number of emails sent. 
Much like mobile open rates, the click-thru rates for phones and tablets have increased dramatically over the last half- year. However, it is clear the share of email clicks occurring on phones and tablets (and the respective CTO rates) lag far behind the desktop platform.

The clear majority of email clicks are still occurring on desktop devices. Percentages in the table below reflect all devices and types.    4 Q1/Q2 2012 Email Click Activity on Phones * Email Click Activity on Tablets *  Email Click Activity on Desktop
Retail 24.70% 13.83% 7.77%  11.22% 6.67% 8.26%  64.08% 79.50% 17.23%

Percentages based on all device types measured, not exclusively Android and iOS. 
It is interesting to note that the CTO rates are relatively consistent between phone and tablet platforms, at least in comparison to the CTO rates for desktop, which are often twice as high.  
We can still attribute the lag in mobile and tablet click rates to the fact that most email marketers are not yet optimizing email content for mobile users. Optimization for mobile devices should include everything from how the email renders for mobile devices to streamlining text, making calls-to-action and buttons extremely clear, and more. When more email marketers begin employing tactics such as these in their mobile optimization efforts, we can expect to see click rates on mobile devices begin to climb. 

Approaching the designer apparel  “mobile tipping point”
With the overall share of email opens occurring on mobile now at 36% across all industries (increasing from 27% six months ago), it is our projection that the share of mobile opens will exceed 50% for most marketers within the next 6 to 12 months. Considering most discount designer brands included in this study are not actively optimizing their programs or designing emails with mobile users in mind, overall program and campaign performance may be negatively impacted more and more with each passing month. It is imperative that email and mobile marketers begin planning with urgency for that point in time when mobile users will be the majority audience.
Case in point: Retail fashion

When are mobile opens occurring?
Share of mobile opens by time of day
As illustrated in previous versions of this report, there is a clear and continuing trend as to the hours of the day when mobile email open activity is higher. The share of email opens occurring on mobile devices spikes during evening, late night and early morning hours. Simply put, users shut down their computers during the evening and are picking up their tablets or reading email on their phones in the after-dinner hours. Once the workday begins, computers are back in greater use.
The trend has not changed noticeably during the early half of 2012. Familiar spikes in tablet open activity during prime- time hours and phone open activity later at night and in the early morning are seen here. However, the spikes in mobile open activity do not necessarily correspond with the times when overall open volume (including desktop) is at its highest, indicated by the thin light-blue line in the chart below.

Mobile opens by time after email delivery
Instead of looking at mobile open activity in an absolute sense by time of day, we also looked at the share of opens occurring on mobile devices based on the hours immediately after the email was sent.  It should come as little surprise that the share of opens occurring on phones is higher in the few hours immediately following delivery.  

Looking at this from a slightly different angle, we can also see that the distribution of opens occurring on phones is more heavily concentrated within the first 3 hours following email delivery, falling off quickly before falling in line with the distribution trend of desktop and tablet opens.  

 K Jeneal Designer Apparel caters to their  mobile audience. We know our  mobile engagement stats, your brand is developing email engagement and design strategies in the dark.  Know what the people in your audience are doing with that email. 

When our mobile audience is the majority audience, our email marketing team is spending the majority of their time working and t on mobile devices. Gaining a mobile-first mindset will be difficult if the strategy, planning and execution teams spend most of their time behind laptop computers. Instead, understand how mobile users manage a full inbox, the different ways they view and evaluate emails and post-click experiences, and the functional limitations they may encounter.

  K Jeneal Designer Apparel Cater to their Mobile Shoppers

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